On Saturday I headed out to meet Andrea and her daughter DeVahna at Navy Pier. This mother and daughter team have been friends of our family for years. I've known Andrea for over 20 years and remember when DeVahna was born. It's amazing to see DeVahna all grown up. As I took her pictures I couldn't believe that this coming August she would be going to college! Wow how time passes by. DeVahna is a beautiful young lady who has a strong sense of who she is and what she wants. I love her personality....Always speaking her mind....but such a sweet girl! During her photo session I kept reminding her to remember God when she goes off to school. We can't enforce that into our children enough. I am sure that she will soar with eagles wings in and through her college experience. Dearest Devahna I BELIEVE the best for you and all that you do for the next 4 years. Have fun, do your homework, don't miss class, watch those boys :) and most importantly remember God. I love you DeVahna!